Providing Los Angeles, San Francisco & San Diego with Replacement Windows & General Construction Services


Beautiful Insulated Windows

For Your Los Angeles, San Francisco or San Diego Home

Insulated windows will not only make a difference in your electricity bill, they will also enchant the beauty of your home.

Insulated windows are designed to keep hot and cold air inside your home. This largely reduces the use of your air conditioner and heater, consuming less electricity. Insulated windows are also designed to keep the suns ultraviolet rays from entering your room. This is good for health reasons and considerably reduces the fading of carpets and furniture.

At Renovating LA, we offer some of the most energy efficient insulated windows on the market today. The efficiency of the windows all begins with the type of glass they are fitted with. Although the other parts play a role, nothing in the insulated windows system has as much of an effect as the glass does.

When buying insulated windows, you have a choice between double glass and Low-E glass. A double glass is also known as a double glazed window or insulated glass. Two glass pieces comprise one unit of double glass. The space between the two glass pieces is often filled with Argon gas, this improves a home's insulation.

Low E glass is a type of double glass where the inner surface of the outer pane is coated with a metallic surface. This type of glass deflects the sun’s ultraviolet and infrared rays. Combining the Low E effect with double glass produces a very energy efficient window.

Whatever type of glass you want, we can help you insulate your home and lower your electricity bills at a very reasonable price.

Call us now at 213-422-7701 for a price quote.



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